
Friday, January 24, 2014

Little Einstein dolls - Annie and Leo

My children love Little Einsteins. It makes for a very musical household since they sing the tunes and play pretend instruments (or not pretend in some cases). So I went looking this Christmas for Little Einstein toys. Toy figures, dolls, anything, but no. Nothing. Nada. Well, that's not quite true. I did find some toys for sale on ebay. $100. Are you kidding?!

So I thought, I can make dolls. Simply crochet up a doll and put the right clothes on. Okay, not exactly simple. I'm not a fast crocheter at all. Seriously, super slow. So I only got one done in time for Christmas. I made up Annie first for my daughter.

I am not completely pleased with how it turned out, especially the head, but my kids loved it. Lucky for me they are nearly as critical. After a number of fights, I knew I needed to make another one. So I went with Leo.

I wrote down a quick pattern while I was making Annie, so it was a little easier to make Leo. I still don't like the size of the head. For those of you who have seen the Little Einsteins, their heads are pretty big. But I decided just to stick with how I did Annie's so it would be the same. (I might have a slight case of OCD.) I do like how his glasses turned out. So now we have brother and sister.

I do plan on making June and Quincy, but I am done with amigurumi for awhile. C would like me to make Rocket too, but I don't know if I'm that talented. Or maybe it's more of I don't want to put forth that much effort. When I get the other two made I'll put them up. I will have to get to them soon. It will bother me if I don't have all of them (that OCD again).

Happy stitches!

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Do you have a pattern available for these? My friend just asked me to make them all and the rocket for her son's bday
